Emergency Ready: Why Your Home Needs a Safety App

How prepared are you for life's urgent moments? We've all been there: ignoring a call with the thought, "I'll get back to them later," only to realize it might have been an emergency. The truth is regular calls can wait, but true emergencies demand immediate attention and clear communication.

This can be achieved with a dedicated home safety app. Zuluhood ensures your critical contacts are informed during those unexpected curveballs life throws – urgent situations or family needs that can't wait. Simply add your emergency contacts and use the in-app alarm button when something critical arises. They'll receive a clear, hard-to-ignore message: "Alarm in Zuluhood."

You can also ensure that your emergency contacts are reachable for your household and family members. Simply add your family members to your Tribe in Zuluhood, and if they trigger the alarm, Zuluhood will notify you and all your designated emergency contacts with the same "Alarm in Zuluhood" message. This eliminates confusion – you'll instantly know it's not a typical home security alarm and who initiated it.

The best part? This functionality is completely free. All you need is a smartphone and the Zuluhood app.


Getting started with Zuluhood is simple:

  1. Download the App: Download Zuluhood for your Android phone or your iPhone.

  2. Create Your Account: Enter and verify your phone number to set up your account.

  3. Set Up Your Home: Your home is the central hub within Zuluhood. Here, you'll manage your Tribe (household members) and Watchers (emergency contacts).

  4. Add Your Watchers: After setting up your home, add your Watchers (emergency contacts). You can invite as many people as needed, either from your existing contacts list or by selecting from Zuluhood users available in your neighborhood.

Here's how to add Watchers:

  • Go to the "Homes" tab and select your home image.

  • Tap "Manage" next to your empty Watchers list.

  • Invite friends, family, or neighbors from your contacts list or choose "Add Watcher from Local" to see Zuluhood users in your area who are willing to help during emergencies,

Once your Watchers join Zuluhood and accept your invitation, they'll appear in your list with their names and profile pictures. Your home will also be listed in their "My Watch" section within the Zuluhood app.


You can add as many Watchers as necessary in Zuluhood. In case of urgency when you need them immediately and "I'll get back to you later" doesn't apply, activate the alarm button in your home by sliding it to the left.

When the alarm is triggered, all of your Watchers will receive an alarm message. Upon clicking it, they will enter the alarm chat, and you will be able to see which of your Watchers have responded to the alarm.


  1.  Add Your Tribe Members: In your home in Zuluhood, add your household members to your Tribe. Go to the Homes tab at the bottom of the screen, press the home image to enter the specific home, and tap on "Manage" next to your Tribe list, where you are the only member so far. Press "Add Tribe members from Contacts" and invite them to your home in Zuluhood.

  2. Manage Tribe Permissions: Once your Tribe members have accepted your invitation and joined Zuluhood, they will appear in your Tribe list with their names and profile pictures as entered in their public profiles within their app. To allow them to raise the alarm in case of urgency, click on their profiles and activate the "Can raise alarm" feature. This will allow them to trigger an alarm anytime they need an immediate response from you.


The person you have invited to join your Tribe or as a Watcher will receive a notification through the Zuluhood app or via SMS if they do not have the app yet. After they install the app and open their profile, they simply need to accept your invitation. That's it!"


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